Innovation Station Child Care Parent Survey
How would you rate the overall program * is required.
Overall Caregiver Quality: * is required.
How would you rate the program on each of the following?
Staff Members
Overall Quality: * is required.
Staff Warmth and Friendliness: * is required.
Staff Communication with Parents: * is required.
Staff Communication with Children: * is required.
Planned Activities: * is required.
Discipline Practices: * is required.
Opportunity for Structured Play: * is required.
What facility are you referencing * is required.
Safety and Security: * is required.
Cleanliness: * is required.
Outdoor Space: * is required.
Meals/Snacks: * is required.
Communication with Teachers: * is required.
Written information about the program or activities (i.e. newsletter, Monday memo): * is required.
Communication with Administration: * is required.
Additional Questions
Is your child excited to come to school * is required.
Does your participation in this program make you feel confident that your child is in a safe, supportive and nurturing environment * is required.
Does your participation in this program enable you to work without worrying about what your child is doing * is required.
How long has your child been with the Innovation Station child care program * is required.
How did you first hear about the child care program * is required.
Why did you choose this program * is required.
Would you recommend this program to other parents * is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Please share with us any suggestions for improvement or additional comments you might have: is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.If you would like to include your name and contact information or request a conference, please type your information here. Enter your email if you would like us to respond to your survey. is required.